Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thanks for the Comment. Not.

Are you Kidding??

I finally log back on to has been awhile...I was discouraged because it seems no one ever read what I wrote!! There's just too many 'bots' out there...advertising, smut, news articles, and weird random oddities. I don't even know how many REAL people are REALLY writing about REAL stuff on here these days?

Take, for instance, my heart-in-my-throat trepidation and excitement when I realized I had TWENTY-ONE comments from 'readers' on one of my posts!!! Wow. I thought I had gained some kind of celebrity or notoriety, or a brief flame of popularity! My elation turned quickly to disgust when I realized that all the comments were electronic 'ghosts', programs designed to draw traffic to their own websites promoting all sorts of dubious things from personals to pool chemicals. What a letdown!!!

I believe I have as much chance of being 'discovered' here as if I stapled stories to telephone poles in random cities!!!

I am being marginally sarcastic, as I actually DO realize that the chances of anyone of note reading, liking, and requesting my 'blogger-isms', is unlikely...nay...dare I say...impossible? Call me a pessimist.

As it is, I am disappointed that the marketing junkies have found a way to pervert even a lonely housewife's musings with their auto-tagged comments. Sad, sad, sad world we live in, where a 'compliment' is generated via computer program, and hooked with a sell!

Apparently I am more likely to become the first female president of the United States, than to be read by ACTUAL human beings with the ability to offer me sound advice, true compliments (if warranted), or a job offer writing a column. I am Canadian. You see the likelihood.

As it is, I am rambling on to the echoing sounds of my own typing in an empty and (rarely) quiet room to release the frustration reading TWENTY-ONE comments that are really ads...has created.

Good night...and good luck.




At 9:21 PM, Blogger Karen. said...

HA HA, I am commenting on my OWN blog...That's got to be a first.

Wanted to apologize for the 'anyone of note' comment...a real person reading my blog would certainly be 'of note'.

Thank you.



At 9:22 PM, Blogger Karen. said... I'm talking to myself.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You crack me up! I read, I loved, I would publish!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger glorious said...

Hi Karen
I wrote a comment but then couldn't remember my google id. So it was lost into cyper space. lol
Blonde moment!
Your Mom sent me your blog address.
I have been enjoying reading your blogs. I find them fun and vivid.
I am glad you wrote about comments as I didn't even think to post a comment until I read this blog. I've never done a blog myself. grin
I sent a web address for an author's online free e-book "Newbie's guide to publishing" to your Mom.
I might also have a few other websites you may find interesting.
There are a few authors that I've read, been in contact with, that teach either journalism, or teach creative writing at universities or colleges near where they live.
Their website sometimes also have helps, sources etc for aspiring writers. etc.
I think it's great what you are doing. Makes me think of Dave Barry's columns etc.
Keep writing


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