Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oh No...Boring Blogs?

I realize that where my last post may have been insightful to me, others may find it pedantic or simplistic. Perhaps so. Perhaps I too fall into the category of 'boring daily journal' weblogs that so many seem to disdain. Including myself! Be that as it may, I will attempt to procure some intelligent and meaningful content in the very near future. However...the issue then becomes, what is intelligent and meaningful to the masses? Should it matter what is meaningful to the masses, or what is simply meaningful to me? For whom do I write?

A little mix of both parties would be a good solution, but I do not profess to know or understand what is politically correct, current, or even 'cool' to discourse on these days. My world revolves around my tiny life. That's the trouble with blogs in general I think, they are a forum for the 'me me' pulpit-pounding and sounding-off of everyday people. The trouble is, most of us are boring. At least in the sense that we live unremarkable lives. I hope that at the very least, I am a well-written bore. I should like to think that I have the natural ability to string together sufficient words to get across points that, though pedestrian, at least make a reader smile occasionally.

But here I am...going on about 'me' again.

Unfortunately, I tend to write what I know...and I know, well, me. As I come across interesting articles, (or, heaven-forbid, other articulate blogs), I will comment on them from time to time. However, this is all still 'one man's (er woman's) opinion' does that not just come back to 'me' again? What is a comment-based columnist like Andy Rooney if not just a peddler of his own opinions? Albeit a wealthy and successful one. Yes, he is wonderfully humorous, even thought-provoking, certainly skillfully written, and engagingly, enjoyably, sarcastic, but in the end? They are still, in their simplified versions, all about the 'me' that is Andy Rooney!

Perhaps my pregnancy woes, toddler's antics and random thoughts aren't the most riveting information on the web, but certainly, they could be worse. There is worse out there than 'boring'! Frightening is a word that comes to mind, shallow, maybe I'd go as far as to say 'psychotic'.

In the meantime, I will do what I know, expound on my deeply felt, if not profound or informative, knowledge of 'me', 'moi', 'myself', and our little corner of the universe. You like it, you read it! You don't? Why are you still here?!


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